The Story of Song
In the beginning, God shaped the world with a song
Made man in His image, shaped him to sing along
Til sin muffled the melody, til death stifled the sound,
Til all that was good seemed buried underground
We were choked by silence, we were doomed for death
Haunted by hate, oppressed with each breath
But soon a new sound: the shaking of the tomb
The beating of a crushed heart, a place of death now a womb
After how cruelly we mocked Him, after all that we've done,
After we pierced His hands, after we crucified the Son
Would He really to love us like this? To still invite us to praise?
Would He dare to sing over us for all of our days?
The song we've forgotten—what if it's not really lost?
What if the Song Maker Himself endured the full cost?
What if, in spite of it all, He bids us, "Come near!"
What if He's not far away, but right here?
[Video by Hannah Beam Creative; Vocals by Kim Boeving; Arrangement/Recording by Alan Goodwin Music]
Every year at Story & Soul Weekend, we share a creating retelling of the Big Story of the Bible. It's become a meaningful tradition that renews our affection for God and His Word. If you’d like to experience The Story of Song, our 2019 theme, you can get access to the audio of our three main sessions (“The Story of Song” by Caroline Saunders and “Hannah’s Song, Part 1” and “Hannah’s Song, Part 2” by our 2019 speaker Elizabeth Woodson), the audio of our version of “Blessed Assurance” (mixed by Alan Goodwin and performed by Kim Boeving), and more curated content in our shop.
Psalm 40:1-3
“I waited patiently for the Lord;
he inclined to me and heard my cry.
He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
out of the miry bog,
and set my feet upon a rock,
making my steps secure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
and put their trust in the Lord.”