The Story of Water


…And yet in the midst of the smothering grief, a small hope: an ark floating above the waters. As a kindness to the fear-stricken family entombed within its walls, God painted the sky in a way he’d never done before: A rainbow. It was his promise to the earth: Don’t forget—I tell the water what to do. And I won’t tell it destroy you in this way again. No doubt Noah clung to this promise each time it rained. Rain likely triggered fear and despair in Noah’s heart for the rest of his life. After all, the very thing that fell from the sky to revive the plants and sustain human life had once piled up high and killed everyone he’d ever laid eyes on, except his own family. But each drop was an opportunity for Noah to trust the God of the waters. To trust that God would keep his word and not pour out deadly waters again.

We’ve all experienced storms that struck fear in our hearts, reminded us that we are not in control, that we are smaller than we ever dared believe. In these moments when the rains bang heavily upon the windows, may we remember God’s kindness and sovereignty: “I tell the waters what to do. What feels like chaos outside your windows is well within my control, and I will not destroy the world with deadly water again.”

As Noah’s family repopulated the earth, most notably through Abraham, a new nation was formed: The nation of Israel, God’s chosen people. Through them, God promised to redeem the earth, but this time it wouldn't be with deadly waters. He would redeem with Living Water.

Story & Soul Weekend 2018 - Colleen Searcy

Every year at Story & Soul Weekend, we share a creating retelling of the Big Story of the Bible. It's become a meaningful tradition that renews our affection for God and His Word. If you’d like to experience The Story of Water, our 2018 theme, you can get access to the audio of our three main sessions (“The Story of Water” by Caroline Saunders and “The Waters of the Flood” and “The Waters of the Well” by our 2018 speaker Colleen Searcy) and more curated content in our shop.


Isaiah 55:1

“Come, everyone who thirsts. Come to the waters.”